This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Read our privacy policy

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What are analytic cookies and can I reject them?

These cookies, also known as “performance cookies”, “measurement cookies” or “statistical cookies”, allow us to count visits and visitor sources, so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. The data Huawei receives from these cookies is aggregated and anonymous, it is not personal data. However, the third parties providing these statistical services, Google Analytics does process personal data about you in order to provide us with aggregated data about our website visitors.

We use these cookies to understand how visitors interact with our website, for example, to see if users are abandoning certain pages or experiencing issues. We use these cookies as it is in our legitimate interests to monitor the performance of the website. You can reject analytic cookies at any time by changing your Cookie Settings.

Why do we use analytic cookies?

We use analytic cookies to enable measurement and analytics. These cookies enable us to, for example, understand:

- which websites people visit before landing on our website, for example, whether the visitor came directly to our website, or whether they clicked on a link from a search engine or a social media post
- which are the most and least popular pages on our website, how long visitors spend on each page and each part of the page, which links and buttons they click on
- information about the device you are using to access our site, for example, device brand and model, which browser or operating system you are using, and
- demographic information about visitors to our site, for example, statistics about what percentage of our web visitors are male or female, their age range, and their interests, for example, photography and technology.

What data do analytic cookies collect and use?

The cookies themselves will normally just record an ID code. However, this ID code links to Google analytics servers, enabling Google to build a profile of how you browse the website. Browser details are also processed as a result of the cookie being read, including technical details of the device used to access the site as well as its location.

Huawei does not collect any personal data through statistical cookies. We only receive aggregated data about our website visitors in general. However, Google does process your personal data in order to provide these aggregated statistics to us. Further, as other websites also use Google Analytics, Google doesn’t just have a profile of how you use our website, but also how you use many other websites which also use Google Analytics. Google may also link your cookie information with your account information, if you are logged in to your Google account while browsing, to build an even more detailed profile about you. To learn more about how Google processes your personal data, please refer to Google’s Privacy Policy.

How long do we retain this data?

The retention period of analytic cookies varies from 24 hours to 24 months, depending on the purpose of the cookie. For example, some cookies only store information for 24 hours, to remember you as a unique visitor to the website on that day. Others may last as long as 24 months. For example, we might publish two versions of the same webpage to see which works better and is more popular, then a cookie will remember whether you visited version a or version b of the page, and ensure that you see the same version on subsequent return visits, so we obtain clear data results on the a/b testing.

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