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HUAWEI CONNECT 2023 PARIS (hereinafter referred to as “HC 2023 PARIS”) is an event organized through the online platform of /eu/events/huaweiconnect-paris (hereinafter the “Platform”) by Huawei Technologies Dusseldorf GmbH, a company duly incorporated and exists under the laws of Germany, and its registered office located at Hansaallee 205, 40549 Düsseldorf (hereinafter referred to as “Huawei”, "we", "us" or "our"). This year, we offer both online and offline sessions after your online registration.

DigitALL Night 2023 (a section for university students who have reached 18 years old or adult age) and Partner Convention 2023, are both included in Huawei Connect 2023 PARIS. Registered Participants of these two sections, are able to join in other sessions of the HC 2023 PARIS as well.

We take your privacy seriously, and take all appropriate security measures to protect it in accordance with the industry's well-established safety standards. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Table of Contents:

  1. How do we process your personal data and what is the legal basis?
  2. How long and where do we store your data?
  3. How do we use Cookies and similar Technologies?
  4. How do we share your data?
  5. What are your rights and choices?
  6. How to contact us?
  7. How do we update this Statement?

1.How do we process your personal data and what is the legal basis?

1) Event Management: You can choose to join the sessions and register online. We need to process below personal data, to confirm your registration/participation. They are necessary for providing the event sessions according to the Terms of Services agreed by you, according to Article 6 (1)(b) GDPR. Without such data, we can’t properly register you for either the online or offline events.
- register as a participant for the HC 2023 PARIS: your First Name, Last Name, Email, Telephone (optional), Company Name, Industry, Country/Region, Job title, co-relation with Huawei, your interested session and Name of Huawei employee who invited you to the event (if applicable) will be processed.
- register as a business participant for the Partner Convention 2023 session: your First Name, Last Name, Email, Telephone (optional), Company Name, Industry, Job title, Country/Region, Procurement category, how did you know about and Name of Huawei employee who invited you to the event (if applicable) will be processed.
- register as a student participant for the DigitALL Night 2023 session: your First Name, Last Name, Email, Telephone (optional), Country/Region, field of study, University/Institution, Graduation Time, where you want to attend the venue, which program you interested about Huawei, how did you know about digital night, What kind of position are you looking for will be processed.

2) Promotion of the event: To promote the event, we will make recordings or live stream of the session, take photos of you as the speakers, or of the event in general manner. Below two processing scenarios are all based on our legitimate interest of marketing the event held by us, as per Article 6 (1)(f) GDPR. If you do not wish any further use of the photographs and recordings showing you, please contact us by email.
- Video / live stream of the session and photograph of the speaker: The processing (including further promotion), will only be based on the speaker’s prior confirmation to the Authorization Letter. If you have not given us the authorization, your image/voice or other information will not be processed.
- Photograph in general about the event / venue: we may take photos to promote the popularity of the event and present the venue in general. Your image may be fully or partially included unintentionally.

3) Viewing of Webcast: in order to enable your access to the online webcast and make it suitable for your device, your IP address and Device information will be processed. The processing is applicable for online participants. Without such data, the webcasts cannot be properly presented on your screen. This processing is necessary for providing the event according to the Terms of Services agreed by you according to Article 6 (1)(b) GDPR.

4) Improvement of the Event: based on our legitimate interest to improve the event and webcast content as per Article 6 (1)(f) GDPR, your information will be processed respectively as below.
-To analyse the event organization, or conduct statistical review, your First Name, Last Name, Email, Telephone (optional), and Country/Region, Company Name (for business participants), or Industry or field of study, University/Institution (for student participants) will be processed.
-To verify and improve the quality of our webcast contents. we will analyse the IP address, the device information, and the entering and leaving time for each webcast by the viewers.

5) Survey: at the HC 2023 PARIS venue, the participants can choose to participate the survey, by scanning the code. Your valued opinions and comments will be submitted with your personal information like your Name(optional), your company(optional), your email(optional) if you want. This processing is based on our legitimate interest to do project review and make improvement in the future, according to Article 6 (1)(f) GDPR.

6) Project Approaching: based on your Survey feedback and your consent therein, we would further contact business participants for workshop, POC or ordering requests. This processing is based on your consent as per Article 6 (1)(a) GDPR. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, or as described in Section 5 of this statement

7) Electronic Direct Marketing/EDM: after obtaining your consent, we will process below personal data provided during your registration. For business participants, we will send the latest information of products, solutions and services, the upcoming event available for your region. For student participants, we will send the campus events.
- For business participants we will process your First Name, Last Name, Email, Company Name, Industry and Country/Region in order to send you the latest information of products, solutions and services available for your region.
- For student participants we will process the Email, First Name, Last Name, Country/ Region, University/ Institution name, field of Study, time of graduation, your interested topics (optional), and the source from which you know our session (optional)

You have the right to withdraw your consent through the “Unsubscribe” option in any of EDM Email, or as described in Section 5 of this statement -Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR.

8) Talent Pool for Students: If you register as a student participant through the DigitALL Night 2023 session, and based on your consent as per Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR, we would use your Email, First Name and Last Name, University/ Institution name, field of Study, Region, Telephone (optional), time of graduation, your interested topics (optional), the source from which you know our session (optional), and your resume (only if you are willing to provide), to file and further email you the recruitment information or job opportunities.

You have the right to withdraw your consent through the “Unsubscribe” option in any of emails, or as described in Section 4 of this statement.

2.How long and where do we store your data?

The data retain period may vary with scenario and service. Unless otherwise stated in section 3, your personal data will be stored in Germany. After the retention period expires, we will erase or anonymize your personal data.

Scenarios / purposes

Retention period

Event Management

30 days after event

Promotion of the event

As per the authorization letter, or until the successful exercise of the right to object.

Viewing of Webcast

2 Years after event

Improvement of the Event

2 Years after event, or until the successful exercise of the right to object.


2 Years after event, or until the successful exercise of the right to object.

Project Approaching

2 Years after event, or until you withdraw consent

Electronic Direct Marketing / EDM

Until you withdraw consent

Talent Pool for Student

2 Years after event, or until you withdraw consent

3. How do we use Cookies and similar Technologies?

When you visit our pages, we will use cookies and similar technologies, as described in our cookie policy: /eu/cookies-policy.

4. How do we share your data?

(1) Disclosure of your personal data outside of the EU/EEA:

 Name of activities

Reason for Disclosure and details on the data recipients and countries of transfer

Mechanism for cross-border transfer

Talent Pool for Students

We use the iJob system deployed in China, to process your relevant data. Huawei affiliates will have access based on your country/region for further recruitment.

Huawei complies with applicable legal requirements for providing adequate safeguards by incorporating the Standard Contractual Clauses with relevant supplementary measures in such transfer.
You can obtain a copy of them here:

(2) Disclosure of your personal data within the EU/EEA:

Name of activities

Reason for Disclosure and details on the data recipients

Event Management

to have our local affiliates in EU/EEA to coordinate participants on our behalf, we will disclose your data provided for registration.
We procure event organization suppliers. To produce your name tag, your relevant data will be shared with them as well.

Promotion of the event

Video and photograph of the speaker will be disseminated to promoting channels as specified in the Authorization letter confirmed by you.
Photograph in general about the event / venue, will be disseminated on our social media channels, presentation, brochures.

Project Approaching

To respond your request of workshop, POC or ordering, and to share with you more about our products, solutions and services, the relevant data will be shared to our customer development suppliers, and then to Huawei local MKT team or Huawei channel partners in EU/EEA.


All Huawei local affiliates in EU/EEA will have access to the participants who subscribed EDM, so as to send out tailored promotion email in local language.

3) Disclosures related to legal requirements and business transactions

Huawei may share your data in response to a legal process or request from a competent authority based on an applicable law or in connection with legal proceeding or process.
Your data may also be disclosed as part of merger, acquisition, sale of assets (such as service agreements) or transition of service to a Huawei group or other relevant company.

5. What are your rights and choices?

You can enter into the Data Subject Request Portal to exercise your data subject right.

Right of Access, Art. 15 GDPR

You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether Personal Data concerning you is being processed and, where that is the case, access to the information of processing required by GDPR. You also have the right to a copy of the Personal Data undergoing processing.

Right of Rectification, Art. 16 GDPR

You have the right to require rectification of inaccurate Personal Data concerning you and also the right to complete your Personal Data.

Right of Erasure, Art. 17 GDPR

You have the right to erase (delete) your Personal Data in particular circumstances.

Right of Restriction, Art. 18 GDPR

You have the right to demand restriction of processing in particular circumstances.

Right of Objection, Art. 21 GDPR

You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data in particular circumstances.

Right of Portability, Art. 20 GDPR

In certain circumstances, you have the right to receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller.
The right of portability does not apply in the case of processing personal data on legal obligation or legitimate interests’ basis.

Right to Withdraw Consent, Art. 7 GDPR

You have the right to withdraw a given consent at any time to stop a data processing that is based on your consent. The withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before the withdrawal.

Right to lodge a Complaint, Art. 77 GDPR

If you think that we are not processing your personal data in accordance with this Statement or the applicable data protection laws, you are entitled to lodge a complaint with your supervisory authority.
List of Supervisory Authorities: 

6. How to contact us?

We value your opinions. If you have questions or comments related to this privacy statement, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the address of Hansaallee 205, 40549 Düsseldorf. Or you can contact our DPO through the Data Subject Request Portal.

You can also contact with us via our official email:

7. How do we update this Statement?

We encourage you to regularly check for the latest version of this Statement as we may change it from time to time. If we make changes to this Statement, we will notify you by an appropriate method.

Latest update: August 2023

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