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5G helps solve the urban-rural imbalance of medical resources in Thailand

The ongoing pandemic has impacted society and economies worldwide, heaping additional requirements on already burdened healthcare systems. 

And Thailand is no exception. 

At the same time, Thailand’s elderly population is on the rise, with the UN reporting that the proportion of people over 60 is set to double from 2015 to 2050 to reach nearly 23 million – around 30% of the nation’s total population. However, medical resources – both healthcare professionals and medical devices – are in short supply and fail to meet even current local healthcare demand. 


Since the majority of specialists are based in city hospitals, village residents who require routine check-ups or treatments must frequently travel long distances to cities. For many, doing so is unappealing and inconvenient, given the time involved, the long waits at hospitals, and expensive fees. 

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