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George Gilder
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This book integrates all narrow disciplines and specializations into a transcendent holistic unity guided by the theory of information.This is the vision of Intelligent World. Here Huawei’s wealth of practical knowledge feeds on continuous learning. Here the limiting cadence of time restricts waste and assures ever growing efficiency and ever diminishing costs for all of us.

George Gilder, Futurist, Author and Venture Capitalist
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To ensure networks can meet the requirements of the future world, efforts have been made to plan future network technologies, targeting 2030. Moving forward, next-generation information technologies, such as 5G, cloud computing, IoT, big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain, will be added to the technology stack. They will enable intent-based services and applications and more efficient use of network resources, and ensure secure and trustworthy cloud-network synergy.

Hequan Wu, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), Director of the Advisory Committee of Internet Society of China (ISC), Director of China Standardization Expert Committee (CSEC)
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Looking ahead to the next 5 to 10 years, the use of AI will be spread to more areas, such as AI-led 6G intelligent sensing networks, and Neuromorphic systems that will go beyond existing machine vision imaging systems. Let's work together to embrace a brighter future for the computing industry.

Gao Wen, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of Peng Cheng Laboratory, Boya Chair Professor of Peking University
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Vehicles are the ultimate products of deep integration between the Internet, big data, AI, and the real economy. Vehicles will be redefined by ICT, and become more connected and intelligent. Intelligent connected vehicles will be a key pillar of intelligent transportation. They will also present challenges in terms of technology, policy, laws, and regulations. The standardization of intelligent vehicles is still underway, and we will continue innovating as we build intelligent connected vehicles.

Prof. C.C. Chan, Founding President of the World Electric Vehicle Association, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering
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Our imagination is the only limit on how far we can go, but it is the actions we take now that will determine how quickly we can get there. The best way to embrace the future is to build it ourselves.

David Wang, Executive Director, President of ICT Products & Solutions, Huawei

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