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The AI-powered "Nature Guardian" project has landed in the Nahuelbuta mountain range to study and protect the Darwin's fox

Chile's coastal mountain range of Nahuelbuta is a treasure trove of biodiversity. Pumas, skunks, Chilean deer, thousand-year-old monkey puzzle trees, and the Darwin's fox are just a few of the species that make the region one of the world's most diverse ecosystems.

Facing a barrage of constant threats, however, it's an ecosystem that's as fragile as it is magical.

Many indigenous species are endangered in Nahuelbuta, primarily as a result of human activity. Alongside natural phenomena like wildfires, human encroachment has upset nature's delicate balance, depleted biological diversity, and compromised the ecosystem as a whole. Conservation efforts in Chile are already very strong, with 20% of its landmass enjoying some degree of protected status. Deploying cutting-edge technology will add an extra layer of efficacy to studying and protecting indigenous flora and fauna, and overcome the limits of conventional approaches. It's time- and labor-intensive for rangers to cover large areas on foot and data collection and analysis is slow. 

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