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environment protection

An engineer from China Unicom Beijing checking NetEngine

Ubiquitous connectivity is becoming a reality as we move towards an intelligent, fully connected world. We firmly believe that technology can contribute to a better planet. The shared mission of Huawei and our customers is to provide green connectivity and protect our planet. 

For the construction of its IP bearer network, China Unicom Beijing used Huawei's NetEngine 5000E-20 and NetEngine 8000, two green, compact high-end routers, to cope with increasing data traffic.

  • 2 million kWh

    of electricity saved by China Unicom Beijing after using Huawei NetEngine, cutting CO2 emissions by more than 900 tons

The Huawei NetEngine series routers use three key technologies: SuperCooling, mixed flow fan, and intelligent power supply. Compared with competing products, these routers cut power consumption per bit by 26% to 50%, helping China Unicom Beijing save 2 million kWh of electricity every year, cutting CO2 emissions by more than 900 tons1, equivalent to planting more than 40,000 trees.

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