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WinWin Issue 40
Publication Date: Feb, 2022 Download (27.4M)
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Lighting up a Green Future with Green ICT

Peng Song President of Carrier BG Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei

The Glasgow Climate Pact signed at COP26 in November 2021 marked a big step forward in the drive to keep global warming below 1.5°C. I’m pleased to see that so many organizations have committed to energy transformation and clean energy – it reinforces my conviction that innovations in ICT will play a pivotal role in building a green future. 

Cover Story

Voices from Industry

  • Telenor's Green Connection

    Tanveer Mohammad SVP, Head of Global Operations, Telenor

    At the 2021 Better World Summit, Tanveer Mohammad, SVP and Head of Global Operations for Telenor, explored the operator’s clean energy strategy.

  • MTN: On the Road to Net Zero by 2040

    Dirk Karl Chief Procurement Officer, MTN

    At the 2021 Better World Summit, Dirk Karl, Chief Procurement Officer for MTN, explained MTN's commitment to net zero and the need for supply-side collaboration.

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