olympus gacor

olympus gacor

1. Digital inclusion

Technology should not be for the few, but for the many. Huawei has continued to invest in technology, applications, and skills to promote digital inclusion for all. Our goal is to bring digital technology to every person, home, and organization.

  • Technologies: By building wider, more convenient, and easier-to-use connections, we aim to bring the benefits of digital technology to more areas and people around the globe. By using innovative technologies to remove barriers to access, we will enable residents and businesses in remote areas, extreme environments, and other hitherto underserved areas to access better digital resources and enjoy a better digital experience.
  • Applications: We provide customized ICT solutions and easy-to-use development platforms in order to empower the ecosystem and thus provide more specialized applications for different communities and industries.
  • Skills: We work closely with governments, local communities, and other industries around the globe in order to enhance the digital skills of individuals, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and society as a whole. This will contribute to the balanced growth of the countries and their local communities, and enable them to better compete in the digital economy.

2. Security and trustworthiness

Huawei considers cyber security and privacy protection as its top priorities, and we keep investing and remain open and transparent in this regard. We also continually improve our software engineering capabilities and practices, build resilient networks, develop trustworthy and high-quality products, and support stable network operations and business continuity.

  • Cyber security: We take effective measures to improve the security of products, solutions, and services, help customers improve cyber resilience, mitigate cyber security risks, and win trust and support of stakeholders.
  • Privacy protection: We comply with all applicable laws and regulations on user privacy and personal data protection in countries where we operate, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Openness and transparency: We proactively communicate with stakeholders, enhance transparency, and widely cooperate with global partners to ensure that the cyber security and privacy protection we provide is truly sufficient to safeguard the digital transformation of global industries.
  • Network stability: We strive to maintain the stable and secure operation of customer networks and business, build a comprehensive customer network assurance system that covers organization, personnel, processes, IT tools, and other perspectives, and establish an efficient emergency response mechanism.
  • Business continuity: We establish a Business Continuity Management (BCM) system that covers end-to-end processes, from suppliers to Huawei, and further on to our customers to improve our ability to respond to emergencies and effectively manage risks that arise from our day-to-day work.

3. Environmental protection

Huawei is committed to minimizing our environmental impact during production and operations and throughout our product and service lifecycles. We use innovative products and solutions to help industries reduce energy use and emissions, and contribute to building a circular economy. We actively work with all our industry partners to build a low-carbon society.

  • Green products: We incorporate green concepts into product planning, design, R&D, manufacturing, delivery, and services, with the aim of continuously innovating to improve the resource utilization efficiency of our products and provide customers with leading, energy-efficient, and environmentally-friendly products and solutions.
  • Green operations: We are committed to increasing resource utilization rates in offices, production facilities, logistics centers, and labs in order to reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and build Huawei into a role model for environmentally-friendly operations.
  • Green partners: We continuously ensure the environmental compliance of Huawei's products and our partners' operations, promote energy conservation and emission reduction across our supply chains, and we strive to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of Huawei's industry ecosystem.

4. Caring for employees

Huawei considers dedicated employees to be the foundation of all its achievements. The company has built and continues to optimize a talent management mechanism that enables the company and its talent to achieve win-win outcomes. We recognize the importance of ethical education and legal compliance, continuously improve the office environment, and establish a complete employee health and safety assurance system.

  • Employment: We comply with applicable laws, regulations, and international standards in terms of employment, working hours, compensation, and benefits. We never use any type of involuntary, forced, or child labor, and we provide protections for young workers.
  • Respecting diversity: We recognize the importance of employee diversity, prohibit any discrimination, and protect groups that require special protection. We respect the beliefs and customs of employees.
  • Employee training and development: We provide sufficient learning and development opportunities for employees, help them to grow and make the most of their expertise, and provide different development paths for employees to realize their personal value.
  • Employee communication and participation: We have established an effective communication mechanism to facilitate communication of information between employees and the company.
  • Employee health and safety: We provide a healthy and safe working environment and establish and implement an occupational health and safety management system to provide employees with a healthy, safe, and comfortable working environment, and ensure employees' health and safety.
  • Ethical education and compliance: We recognize the importance of ethics education and legal compliance. Employees shall consciously abide by laws and regulations as well as comply with the company's requirements for ethical behavior.

5. Responsibility in communities

As an international company with operations around the globe, we adhere to the principle of "being an active, productive member of the communities where we operate". We attach great importance to co-development with local communities, actively create value for them, and promote harmony and prosperity in those communities.

  • Community participation: We work with stakeholders to bring positive changes to local communities and build a better and more harmonious society.
  • Community contributions: As a responsible corporation, we contribute to the countries and communities where we operate by making contributions to education, environmental protection, and communities.

6. Business ethics

We must utilize the certainty of legal compliance to deal with the uncertainty of international politics. We comply with laws and regulations, abide by business ethics, and build a process-based compliance management system to improve efficiency, reduce risks, and ensure the security and continuity of our business.

  • Anti-corruption and anti-bribery: We must operate with integrity. The company and all of its individual employees are strictly forbidden from offering, accepting, or soliciting bribes, or engaging in other forms of corrupt activity. We bear zero tolerance to illegal interests.
  • Respecting intellectual property rights: We respect and protect intellectual property rights, and incorporate trade secret compliance requirements into Huawei's policies, guidelines, and processes to build a complete trade secret protection system.
  • Fair competition: We comply with laws and regulations in relation to competitions, support anti-monopoly and anti-dumping activities, and conduct marketing activities and business with fairness.

7. Risk management

Sustainability risk management is a priority in our operations and service processes. We have established an effective environment, health, and safety (EHS) management system based on the policy of "safety first, environmental protection, and care for employees".

8. Responsibility in the supply chain

We consider sustainable development to be an important part of our procurement strategy. We adhere to the concepts of openness, cooperation, and mutual benefit, and work with industry chain partners (including suppliers) to build a prosperous and harmonious industry ecosystem and improve its comprehensive competitiveness.

  • Management system: We adopt industry CSR standards such as RBA, JAC, and AIAG to establish a procurement CSR management system, integrate CSR into procurement strategies, businesses, and processes as well as supplier qualification, selection, and performance management. We leverage our procurement activities to drive suppliers to make continual improvements. This entails encouraging them to establish a CSR management system by referring to ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and IPC 1401 and extend this system to the entire supply chain.
  • Labor: Suppliers are required to comply with applicable labor laws and regulations, respect human rights and labor rights, and respect the dignity and basic rights of workers.
  • Health and safety: Suppliers are required to comply with applicable health and safety laws and regulations, maintain healthy and safe working and living conditions, and ensure the health and safety of workers.
  • Environmental protection: Suppliers are required to comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations, refrain from using hazardous substances, prevent pollution, reduce carbon emissions, and build a circular economy.
  • Business ethics: Suppliers are required to comply with applicable honesty and integrity laws and regulations, and abide by the "Six Nos and One Keep" principle (i.e., no bribery, no gift giving, no conflict of interest, no fraud, no cheating, no commercial fraud, and keeping promises) to prevent corruption and promote fair competition.
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