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1. Consequences of any Violation of this Code of Conduct

Any violation of this Code of Conduct may result in review and reduction of incentives Partners are entitled to or the immediate termination of the business relationship with Huawei. In addition, Huawei reserves the right to request Partners to indemnify all losses caused to Huawei due to their violation of this Code of Conduct.

2. Submitting Questions or Reporting Violations

If you have any question about this Code of Conduct or become aware of any violations of this Code of Conduct that is believed in good faith and reasonably to be either an actual or potential violation of this Code of Conduct, please send an email to Please submit the questions or report any suspicious behavior which may constitute a violation with your real name attached.

Please note that the information that you provide to Huawei must be truthful, accurate and complete to the greatest extent possible. If necessary, Huawei expects the Partner to reasonably assist with any investigations into the incident or situation that has been reported, including providing reasonable access to any associated documentation within Partner control. Intentional misleading reporting or defamatory information to Huawei may result in Huawei's immediate termination of the business relationship with us.

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