situs mudah menang slot

situs mudah menang slot

4.1 Child Labor

Recruitment and use of child labor is strictly prohibited by the Company. We shall develop, record, and keep policies and written procedures that aim to relieve children from child labor, and effectively communicate these policies and procedures to our employees and stakeholders. Our employment of juvenile workers shall comply with applicable local laws, regulations, and industry standards. We shall not assign juvenile workers to any work that may jeopardize their physical health or safety.

4.2 Forced or Involuntary Labor

We do not engage in any type of forced or involuntary labor (such as forced, bonded, or indentured labor or involuntary prison labor). An employment relationship must be established on a voluntary basis. Employees have the right to terminate the employment agreement with the Company with due observance of a proper term of notice stipulated in the employment contract, local laws and regulations as well as corporate polices. We prohibit requesting job applicants to pledge any certificates or pay deposits for the purposes of obtaining a job at the Company. We shall not force employees to work by resorting to violence, threats, or illegal restriction of personal freedom. We shall not direct or mandate employees to perform work that jeopardizes their personal safety; neither shall we insult, physically abuse, beat, illegally search, or detain employees. We are opposed to the recruitment, transfer, harbor or receipt of persons, by means of the use of threat, force, other forms of coercion, or deception for the purpose of exploitation. And follow the relevant rules of “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (1948).

4.3 Health and Safety

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. To that end, we have established an occupational health and safety management system in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001. This system addresses occupational health, emergency preparations, occupational injuries and diseases, industrial health, mechanical protection, and ergonomics. According to this system, we shall develop guidelines, collect laws and regulations, identify sources of hazards, and establish targets and management solutions, action plans, and control measures. In addition, we shall perform monitoring and measurements and conduct closed-loop management to reduce workplace accidents and avoid employee injury.

4.4 Diversification

We attach high importance to our employee diversity and strive to create a working environment that encourages tolerance and promotes equal opportunities for all. We respect the lifestyle choices of all employees and encourage employees from different regions and departments to interact and communicate with each other in a way that suits their particular needs. We do not interfere with the rights of minority ethnic groups to practice their religion and customs and instead provide them with venues and opportunities to do so. At the Company, women are offered equal opportunities to their male counterparts and women are offered equal opportunities to their male counterparts.

4.5 Non-Discrimination

In terms of recruitment, compensation, training opportunities, promotion, termination of employment, and retirement, we do not engage in or support employee discrimination on the basis of race, nationality or social origin, social class, bloodline, religion, physical disability, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibility, marital status, labor union membership, political view, age, or other factors.

4.6 Humane Treatment

We respect employees and value their self-esteem. We shall not engage in or condone any physical abuse, mental or physical coercion, or verbal abuse against employees. We shall not resort to violence or inhumane means in the treatment of employees. We have clearly defined our discipline policy and related discipline processes and communicated them to our employees.

4.7 Working Hours

We abide by applicable laws and industry standards for working hours and public holidays. Employees are expected to properly manage their work time and work overtime, which must be applied for beforehand and approved. For further information please refer to the Employment Regulations of Huawei Technologies Switzerland AG (Attachment No. 4) and respective Attendance Regulations of the Company (Attachment No. 3).

4.8 Compensation and Benefits

We abide by all applicable laws and regulations regarding salary and working hours (including those related to minimum salary, overtime salary, piece rate, and other types of compensation) and implement a competitive compensation system. We send a written record of detailed compensation and benefits to employees in every pay period. We have established a comprehensive employee benefits system. In addition to providing mandatory insurance, we offer a series of commercial insurance plans for employees, including personal accident insurance, illness insurance, medical insurance, and business travel insurance etc.

4.9 Freedom of Association

We comply with applicable local laws and regulations. We have created favorable employment conditions and maintained an effective employee communication mechanism as methods to promote good relationships between employer and employees.

4.10 Protection of Employee Personal Data

When it comes to protection of employee personal data, we strictly abide by related provisions of local laws and regulations. We strictly follow the following rules to process the employee personal data: Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency limitation; Purpose limitation; Data minimization; Accuracy; Storage period limitation; Integrity and confidentiality. Legitimate and necessary purposes which include but are not limited to: Human resources management, other operations and compliance with the law. We shall take reasonable security measures to prevent the personal data from accidental or illegal damage, loss, tampering, unauthorized access and disclosure.

4.11 Learning and Development

We provide a range of employee training, including basic knowledge training and professional skills training, based on business needs and position characteristics. We establish profession committees, manage competency and qualifications (C&Q), and carry out professional development to improve employee expertise and bring the value of experts into full play. We provide two career development paths to our employees; namely, the management path and the professional path, to help employees realize their individual value.

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