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Any Huawei Staff Member who has a reasonable belief that a person has failed, is failing or is likely to fail to comply with a particular legal, obligatory or regulatory obligation – for the purposes of this Business Code of Conduct this include a breach of this Business Code of Conduct, the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, or the Gifts and Hospitality Policy, should disclose the matter confidentially to the manager of the department in which they work.  If the matter is more serious or if you feel your concern has not been addressed, or if you prefer not to raise it with them for any reason, you should contact Huawei’s Compliance Officer or the General Manager. You may also raise the matter anonymously to the following addresses:


Huawei will always ensure that no Staff member will be subjected to any detriment or less favorable treatment for refusing to engage in or reporting in good faith any actual or suspected questionable conduct. The Staff are referred to Huawei’s Whistle Blowing Policy (which is published on W3 and may be updated from time to time and may be provided upon request by HR)for further guidance.

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