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Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices and has been operating in the United Kingdom (UK) since 2001. It is proud to support economic growth in the UK through its investment, procurement, employment and partnerships all helping to bring digital to every person, home and organisation for a fully connected, intelligent world.

Huawei recognises its duties as a responsible corporate citizen, and is committed to complying with all applicable tax laws and regulations in every market where it operates. It does not engage in any aggressive tax planning, meaning that any tax planning must be driven by commercial considerations. This includes how subsidiaries are financed and how the legal structure is arranged. Huawei seeks a fair and stable tax policy framework and actively contributes to forums directed towards the development of good tax practice by engaging with industry bodies and Tax Authorities.

Huawei is organised by Business Group. Where a Business Group has operations in Huawei’s markets, it is required to comply with Huawei’s high tax governance standards.

This Tax Strategy articulates the tax governance standards in relation to the tax affairs of Huawei Global Finance (UK) Ltd (“UKGF”) in the UK. The contents of the strategy are aligned with Huawei’s global tax management policies and supporting operational mechanisms, and is prepared with specific reference to UK tax laws and regulations or accepted practice and the tax principles endorsed by UKGF’s Board of Directors (“BOD”). In particular, the contents are prepared with specific reference to the UK legislation, and are therefore considered to be compliant with the Group’s / UKGF's obligations under paragraph 22(2) of Finance Act 2016, Schedule 19 (Publication of Tax Strategies). It covers all types of taxes relevant to the company including corporation tax, VAT, withholding taxes, employment taxes, customs duties and other taxes.

This Tax Strategy relates to the financial year ending 31 December 2023 and should be read together with other publicly available documents relating to Huawei’s Corporate Governance including Huawei’s Corporate Governance Report, which describes the internal control system. This is based on the five components of the COSO framework: Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information & Communication, and Monitoring.

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To support a constructive relationship based on mutual respect and trust, UKGF seeks to engage with HMRC in a co-operative and professional manner. This is achieved, where appropriate, through engagement with HMRC:

  • to consider significant matters such as changes to tax laws and regulations, topical business issues and significant transactions and to agree the interpretation of tax laws, regulations and practices.
  • to consider the mechanisms UKGF deploys to provide assurance that its tax control activities are robust and that the tax returns and disclosures can be relied upon to be complete and accurate.
  • to address enquiries or tax audits in a co-operative and professional manner.

Approved by UKGF Board of Directors on 3 October 2023

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