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Huawei Technologies (UK) Co., Ltd. (Huawei UK) has a strong, long-term commitment to promoting equality and diversity in the business. In 2018 the UK Government introduced a requirement for all organisations with 250, or more, employees to report their gender pay gap each year. The company welcomes the opportunity to report its gender pay gap figures and to share our activities promoting equality and diversity.

Throughout the UK, women are significantly under-represented in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) industries. At present, 22% of people in STEM occupations are female1, yet it is widely acknowledged that companies benefit greatly from increasing employment and leadership opportunities for women2. The Senior Management Team at Huawei UK recognises the value a diverse organisation brings and is committed to promoting an inclusive culture and environment where everyone can flourish regardless of gender.

Huawei UK Gender Pay

The figures below show the UK Government’s requirements based on the position as at April 2018. The gender pay gap shows the difference in the hourly rate of pay of men and women expressed as a percentage of the hourly rate of the male employees. The bonus pay gap shows the difference in bonus payments paid to male and female employees expressed as a percentage of the male figures. The report also includes the proportion of male and female employees who received bonus payments in the relevant 12 month period. Overall pay distribution shows the proportion of men and women in each quartile by pay band.

Pay Gap Results:

Table 1 Mean and Median hourly gender gap and bonus gap




Hourly Pay



Bonus Pay



Table 2 Percentage of men and women who were paid bonus pay within a 12-month period







Actual bonus payments for UK employees made in the 12 months ending 5th April 2018, as specified by the UK regulations.

Table 3 Gender distribution across Huawei UK in four quartiles




Lower middle












At Huawei, we have robust policies and procedures in place to ensure that men and women who are undertaking the same jobs or jobs of equal value are paid the same.

The shortage of women within STEM industries creates a smaller female talent pool from which to recruit. This, alongside the fewer number of women graduating in core STEM subjects3 continues to impact our overall numbers. These factors are not unique to Huawei UK, this is a challenge facing the ICT sector as a whole, both in the UK and globally.

Huawei has improved workforce diversity by recruiting more women into sales and engineering roles however, the majority of leadership and senior roles are still taken by male employees.

The increased percentage of women receiving bonuses reflects the commitment of Huawei UK as a performance-driven organisation. Gender plays no role in decisions taken relating to pay, performance incentives and benefits.

Our Commitment

We are committed to diversity and have a long term aspiration to reduce the gender pay gap across our business.

Since last year, our Seeds for the Future and Graduate Programme has seen an uplift in the female intake from 16% to 33% year-on-year. The initiative takes 50 STEM Undergraduates to China on a four-week trip featuring cultural, technical and business training, with the aim of encouraging a diverse range of grassroots talent to pursue STEM related careers. Our advertisements are inclusive to all and following the launch of the programme in 2011, we have provided over 230 UK undergraduates with this opportunity.

Huawei will continue to encourage women to move into senior and higher paid roles within the business, opening up opportunities through robust development plans, succession and talent management and rotation programmes.

We are keen to ensure we give the women in Huawei UK a voice and will be setting up a forum to discuss how we can improve gender parity within the business. We are also exploring opportunities to work with external organisations and customers to help look at how we can increase the number of women in our company, focus on female progression and influence an uplift in the number of women in the ICT industry for the future.

Huawei UK welcomes the opportunity to regularly report our gender pay gap and the steps we plan to take towards reducing the gap over time.


I, Jerry Wang, CEO, confirm the information in this statement is accurate.

Jerry Wang


Huawei Technologies (UK) Co. Ltd

  1. 2018 Workforce Statistics, WISE, November 2018
  2. McKinsey & Company, Women Matter: Time to accelerate. Ten years of insights into gender diversity 2018.
  3. 2018 Classroom Statistics, WISE, November 2018
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